
friday feburary 8.

we used today to catch up and review any material needed. also, students finished labeling the skull bones using the skull model.

dont forget:
the skull quiz is on friday.
i will post a list of websites on my documents page that you can use to practice labeling the skull. some of the websites feature bones and bone markings we have not covered, so just ignore those. other websites test you to see how much you know. overall they are good resources for practicing.
below is a list of bones and bone markings that you will need to be able to label on skull pictures for the quiz. you are responsible for everything on the list. also below are pictures of skull at three different views. these pictures are for those students who were not able to finish labeling their skull worksheet.
Frontal bone
Parietal bones
Temporal bones
External auditory meatus
Styloid process
Zygomatic process
Mastoid process
Jugular foramen
Occipital bone
Foramen magnum
Occipital condyles
Sphenoid bone
Sella turcica
Ethmoid bone
Crista galli
Cribiform plates
Palatine processes
Palatine bone
Zygomatic bones
Lacrimal bones
Nasal bones
Hyoid bone
good luck with studying!

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