drag and drop heart labeling: http://www.bishopstopford.com/faculties/science/arthur/Heart%20drag&drop.swf
healthy heart:
understanding heart conditions:
operation heart transplant:
comparing heart conditions:
pulmonary and systemic circulation:
heart anatomy review:
anatomy of the heart:
heart labeling practice:
tuesday april 15th.
all notes are now up to date!
and the cats are in!
half day on wednesday!
blood test on friday!
start studying hard:)
and the cats are in!
half day on wednesday!
blood test on friday!
start studying hard:)
Links for Muscle Labeling Practice
Self tests: http://cwx.prenhall.com/bookbind/pubbooks/martini6/chapter7/deluxe.html
Muscle activity: http://msjensen.cehd.umn.edu/webanatomy/muscular/default.html
Muscle movements: http://www.getbodysmart.com/ap/muscularsystem/menu/menu.html
Muscle labeling: http://media.pearsoncmg.com/bc/bc_marieb_ehap_8/activities/chapter6/Act6E.html
Label the muscles: http://www.wiley.com/college/apcentral/anatomydrill/
Interactive body: http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/body/interactives/3djigsaw_02/index.shtml?muscles
For extra practice:
Test yourself: http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/ap/vdghumananatomy/student/olc2/mxzv14_menu_test09.htm
Muscle tutorials: http://www.gwc.maricopa.edu/class/bio201/muscle/mustut.htm
Muscle matching: http://www.quia.com/mc/1219621.html
Muscle activity: http://msjensen.cehd.umn.edu/webanatomy/muscular/default.html
Muscle movements: http://www.getbodysmart.com/ap/muscularsystem/menu/menu.html
Muscle labeling: http://media.pearsoncmg.com/bc/bc_marieb_ehap_8/activities/chapter6/Act6E.html
Label the muscles: http://www.wiley.com/college/apcentral/anatomydrill/
Interactive body: http://www.bbc.co.uk/science/humanbody/body/interactives/3djigsaw_02/index.shtml?muscles
For extra practice:
Test yourself: http://www.mhhe.com/biosci/ap/vdghumananatomy/student/olc2/mxzv14_menu_test09.htm
Muscle tutorials: http://www.gwc.maricopa.edu/class/bio201/muscle/mustut.htm
Muscle matching: http://www.quia.com/mc/1219621.html
tuesday march 18th.
muscular system crossword puzzle.
went over the study guide.
musclar system quest.
thursday begins spring break! yah!!!
muscular system crossword puzzle.
went over the study guide.
musclar system quest.
thursday begins spring break! yah!!!
thursday march 13th.
read and answered questions about how
muscles get energy used for contracting.
aerobic vs. anaerobic respiration lab in the hallway.
everyone had lactic acid buildup!
general body movements, and
5 golden rules of skeletal muscle activity.
magic school bus works out
reviewed body movements.
worked on review worksheets.
define terms used in HOUSE.
we watch HOUSE!
dont forget:
the muscular system quiz/test is next wednesday.
read and answered questions about how
muscles get energy used for contracting.
aerobic vs. anaerobic respiration lab in the hallway.
everyone had lactic acid buildup!
general body movements, and
5 golden rules of skeletal muscle activity.
magic school bus works out
reviewed body movements.
worked on review worksheets.
define terms used in HOUSE.
we watch HOUSE!
dont forget:
the muscular system quiz/test is next wednesday.
tuesday march 4th.
powerpoint on bone disorders.
dont forget:
joints and disorders take home quiz
due friday for 30 points!
bring your textbooks to class on thursday!
powerpoint on bone disorders.
dont forget:
joints and disorders take home quiz
due friday for 30 points!
bring your textbooks to class on thursday!
tuesday february 26.

we finished the appendicular notes by covering the differences between the pelvis of a male and female skeleton. with that information, we worked on an activity in which we measured lines on diagrams of a male pelvis and compared to the same measured lines on a diagram of a female pelvis. also, we measured actual pelvis models in order to compare the male pelvis to the female pelvis.
we practiced labeling the full skeleton from the neck down in order to get more prepared for the quiz on thursday. the quiz will be half labeling the skeleton and half multiple choice questions. the labeling will focus on the full skeleton, including both the axial and appendicular skeletons. the multiple choice questions will be based solely off of the study guide i provide monday. for the skeletal diagram that we used to practice, look above. for the study guide, click the documents link and look for the "skeletal study guide."
after the labeling, i allowed everyone to finish the activity from monday. it was due by the end of the period and it will be a grade.
half day so classes are only 30 min.
we will watch the first part of
the pilot episode of House.
the quiz! start studying now!!
dont forget:
about the current events extra credit assignment.
talk to me if you didnt get one.
tuesday feburary 19.
last week:
we covered the axial skeleton
- vertebrae, sternum, rib cage -
and on thursday as started working on
axial skeleton flash cards
which should have been labeled
over the long weekend.
we went over what structures needed to be labeled on the axial skeleton flash cards. after that, we started on the appendicular skeleton. i gave out a table as the notes for this part of the unit in order to help organize the information a little better. i also gave out a skeleton diagram that should be labeled completely by the time we finish discussing all of the bones.
we will continue discussing
the bones of the appendicular skeleton.
tomorrow afternoon is the last chance to make up any work that has not already been made up. after this time, all uncomplete assignments will receive a 0.
we covered the axial skeleton
- vertebrae, sternum, rib cage -
and on thursday as started working on
axial skeleton flash cards
which should have been labeled
over the long weekend.
we went over what structures needed to be labeled on the axial skeleton flash cards. after that, we started on the appendicular skeleton. i gave out a table as the notes for this part of the unit in order to help organize the information a little better. i also gave out a skeleton diagram that should be labeled completely by the time we finish discussing all of the bones.
we will continue discussing
the bones of the appendicular skeleton.
tomorrow afternoon is the last chance to make up any work that has not already been made up. after this time, all uncomplete assignments will receive a 0.
friday feburary 8.
we used today to catch up and review any material needed. also, students finished labeling the skull bones using the skull model.
we used today to catch up and review any material needed. also, students finished labeling the skull bones using the skull model.
dont forget:
the skull quiz is on friday.
i will post a list of websites on my documents page that you can use to practice labeling the skull. some of the websites feature bones and bone markings we have not covered, so just ignore those. other websites test you to see how much you know. overall they are good resources for practicing.
below is a list of bones and bone markings that you will need to be able to label on skull pictures for the quiz. you are responsible for everything on the list. also below are pictures of skull at three different views. these pictures are for those students who were not able to finish labeling their skull worksheet.
Frontal bone
Parietal bones
Temporal bones
External auditory meatus
Styloid process
Zygomatic process
Mastoid process
Jugular foramen
Occipital bone
Foramen magnum
Occipital condyles
Sphenoid bone
Sella turcica
Ethmoid bone
Crista galli
Cribiform plates
Palatine processes
Palatine bone
Zygomatic bones
Lacrimal bones
Nasal bones
Hyoid bone
Parietal bones
Temporal bones
External auditory meatus
Styloid process
Zygomatic process
Mastoid process
Jugular foramen
Occipital bone
Foramen magnum
Occipital condyles
Sphenoid bone
Sella turcica
Ethmoid bone
Crista galli
Cribiform plates
Palatine processes
Palatine bone
Zygomatic bones
Lacrimal bones
Nasal bones
Hyoid bone
good luck with studying!
thursday feburary 7.
we finished the notes on the skull.
we also started to work in pairs
to label a skull model.
homework for tonight:
skull review sheet.
the skull labeling quiz will be on monday.
also, for those who are interested:
i received an email saying that MUSC is looking for candy striper volunteers over the summer. this is a really great opportunity for those students who are interested in a career in healthcare, such as nursing. plus, volunteering always looks good on college applications. so if you would like more information just let me know and i can send you the brochure by email. or you can contact the following people at MUSC:
Robert Watson - recruiter, watsor@musc.edu, 8437923580
Gina Sciarro - recruiter, sciarrog@musc.edu
we finished the notes on the skull.
we also started to work in pairs
to label a skull model.
homework for tonight:
skull review sheet.
the skull labeling quiz will be on monday.
also, for those who are interested:
i received an email saying that MUSC is looking for candy striper volunteers over the summer. this is a really great opportunity for those students who are interested in a career in healthcare, such as nursing. plus, volunteering always looks good on college applications. so if you would like more information just let me know and i can send you the brochure by email. or you can contact the following people at MUSC:
Robert Watson - recruiter, watsor@musc.edu, 8437923580
Gina Sciarro - recruiter, sciarrog@musc.edu
tuesday february 5.
was the bone overview quiz.
if you were absent today,
please set up a time with me to make it up.
after the quiz we started talking
about the different cranium and facial bones
of the skull.
we will finish discussing the bones of the skull.
dont forget:
the skull labeling quiz will be friday!
was the bone overview quiz.
if you were absent today,
please set up a time with me to make it up.
after the quiz we started talking
about the different cranium and facial bones
of the skull.
we will finish discussing the bones of the skull.
dont forget:
the skull labeling quiz will be friday!
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